Weekend Retreat Experiences

Extraordinary Experiences for Exceptional People

Painting from the Soul 

 Connect with your inner artist to bring her out to play. This is a wonderful weekend retreat to ignite your inner creative fire and fearlessly bring your creative essence to life!

This package includes;

Fearless Intuitive Painting Workshops

Cocktails and Cards

Guided Meditations

Spa, relaxation and fun!

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided.

All art materials are provided and no experience necessary.


Enchanted  Goddess Weekend

This beautiful weekend retreat runs from Friday night until Sunday afternoon and will help you to tune into your inner Goddess for Healing, Insight and Fun.

This package includes;

Ceramic Goddess Temple Workshop

Anointing Perfume Workshop

Goddess Amulet Workshop

Card Reading Workshop

Stone Circle Ritual (weather depending)

Guided Meditations

Spa, Relaxation and fun!

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided


              Connect  - Pamper - Indulge

Harmonious Hens Weekend

This is a beautiful fun filled weekend for women to connect with each other, have fun, and indulge in creating lotions and potions and other delights to pamper yourself and your soul.

This package includes;

Crystal Flower Tiara Workshop

Organic Skincare Workshop

Perfume Making Workshop

Heart Wall Art Workshop

Spa, relaxation and fun!

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided.




The Pottery Package

This is a weekend of immersing yourself in clay! If you have ever wanted to learn pottery then this is the best place to start. In this hands on weekend escape package you will learn the basics of hand built pottery as well as exploring a huge range of techniques and some of our magical secrets! You will also get to have a turn on the wheel. Limited to 8 people.

This package includes;

Mugs, Bowls and Lemon Squeezers Workshop

Sacred Shrines and Temples Workshop

Cocktails and Clay Evening

Spa, relaxation and fun!

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided.

All your pottery creations will also be fired twice, glazed in your colour choice and couriered to you .


Release - Heal - Re-Connect - Re-Create

Soul Connection Retreat

Learn how to connect to your soul to Release, Re-connect and Create the life you truly want.

This package includes;

Soul Healer Essence Workshop

Card Reading Workshop

Releasing & Manifesting Rituals in the Stone Circle

Mixed media magic - Manifestation Artwork - Vision board

Guided Meditations 

Pendulum Creation and Soul Maps

Spa, Relaxation and Peacefulness

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided


The Magical Mystery Weekend

This is a fun and magical weekend where you will learn to make a beautiful crystal wand and magical spell craft amulet as well asa cleansing ceremony in the stone circle and other magical things.

This package includes;

Wand Making Workshop

Stone Circle Fire Ritual

Spell Craft Amulet Creation

Magical Manifestation Elixir Workshop

Sage Cleansing Ceremony

Spa, Relaxation and Fun!

Two nights accommodation and all meals provided.


Private Group Bookings

If you would like to bring your own group you can choose from our Weekend Retreat Experiences above or tailor your weekend to your own preferences by choosing from the workshop options below.